

The artichoke dip was well received. I kept the taquitos for myself.

That taquitos link from yesterday takes you to a site that features reviews of 92 different kinds of salt and vinegar chips. I've only sampled about five. My own dispassionate review: Boulder vinegar chips are the best. Lay's are the worst. The Pringles brand chips taste confusing. The other two are just fine.

I solicited Eric for ideas on what to write about. He suggested I convert this into a blog about our cat, Stinky. The Stinky Blog. My response, though carefully worded, caused him to stamp his foot and retreat into the loving arms of his PlayStation 2.

Loller derby
I have the next 12 days off. The two Christmas-related days will be spent in Plano, Texas. The rest are wide open, but I suspect they will involve drinking, sleeping, reading, picture taking, and possibly a nature walk. Five years of working for the state government have concentrated my time-wasting skills into a laser point, the kind they use to carve you a cornea flap. I'm looking forward to using these skills for something more engaging than hastening the arrival of quitting time each day.

Well, I'll be!
Huh. The blog's spell check doesn't recognize the word "blog."

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