

Yo tengo dolor de mi cerebro
I went to a graduation/going-away party last night at my friends' house. I ate too much cheese, drank beer, and danced. (That sounds like a phrase from a foreign-language workbook: Comí demasiado queso, bebí cerveza, y bailé.)
Anyway, I had to forgo all my plans today in favor of dividing the afternoon between the bed and the bathroom. (That does not sound anything like a phrase from a foreign-language workbook, but I'm pretty sure I've had occasion to use it far more often; que lastima.)

Tonight after I finally bathed and got dressed I went back to the same friends' house. We ate junk food and watched a Britney v. Brittany double feature of "Crossroads" and "Just Married." Both were abominable, but "Crossroads" was by far the better movie. "Just Married" was one of the biggest pieces of shit I've ever seen and wasn't even that great to make fun of. Next week: "Glitter," "Gigli," and, god willing, "Bring it On Again."

My backhoe belt buckle came today. I think it is very fine. The effect is ruined a little because I tend to wear my shirts long and it bulges through awkwardly. So if you see me, no, that's not a colostomy bag. But I probably am happy to see you.
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